A season to prepare?

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Realities of lockdown have impacted us all. Perhaps one of the things we have found hard at times is to find some kind of rhythm for our lives over recent months. Particularly when the measures in response to covid-19 change once again! Yet maybe these coming weeks of Lent could be a time for us to find a fresh rhythm in some way by having a season to prepare?

Prepare for what, when there is so much that cannot be planned for at present?

Well in a few weeks time it will be Easter weekend – all around the world people will focus on the death and resurrection of Christ. It is the centre of the life giving message of Christian faith. In preparation for this, during Lent, Christians from all kinds of traditions and cultures set aside time for prayer, fasting, reflection, giving.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14, New International Version)

I am not suggesting in the midst of lockdown that we try and add in lots more activity to our lives. Rather can we find creative ways that fit our lives and circumstances to prepare? Then hopefully Easter does not just pass us by at the start of April!

Among other things, finding some time to reflect can help us think about what is important, what or who is shaping our lives?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21 New International Version)

As a church community, we will have some special activities during Lent, such as an Ash Wednesday communion service and an online retreat at the end of March. In our newsletter, we have given some links to resources for Lent that maybe a help. Also in the coming weeks, there will be some short videos posted on the ICL YouTube channel to help us reflect and prepare.

Much grace to you for the coming weeks!