Be fruitful rather than nice

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

What is your favourite fruit? Why? Is it the flavour, the colour, the texture or perhaps you associate some happy memory with that fruit? During recent ICL services I have been speaking the ‘fruit of the Spirit’. No, this is not some … Continued

The Spirit that is real

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

What was your best and/or favourite subject when you were at school? For me, it was Geography. Meanwhile, I was only okay(ish) at Mathematics! Plus occasionally there would be something to which I thought, ‘What?’ Imaginary numbers were one such … Continued

Water – vital for life

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

As I look out the window there are some clouds above that suggest an imminent delivery of rain is on its way! We may not always appreciate getting wet if caught outside in a shower, yet water is vital for … Continued

The art of encouragement

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 New … Continued

Rest and renewal amid new rhythms

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

Easter has come and gone!  In the church calendar, the next big events are Ascension (when Christ left his disciples) and Pentecost (marking the pouring out of the Holy Spirit). Such markers can be a help with bringing rhythm and reminders … Continued

Happy Easter – don’t be alarmed

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

A strange opening sentence you might say in response. Okay, but please read on… It is not quite the Easter we were all expecting a few weeks ago! Many people in the Netherlands were looking forward to a holiday weekend … Continued

Love that never ceases

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

As I write this, it is a beautiful clear morning. Earlier I went out for a walk up to the lake near where we live, reminded by sprayed paint markings on the ground of the 1.5 metre rule. This said, … Continued

Where will we turn to?

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

Here we are, doing church life ‘online’ amid corona virus realities. At the back of my mind today has been the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. Mmm, what’s that got to do with 21st Century life and pandemic coping? What … Continued

Love comes to Town

posted in: Andy Blogs | 0

What comes to mind when you hear the words ‘love’ and ‘justice’ alongside each other? Philosopher Cornel West commented once,  “Justice is what love looks like in public”   In the Gospel account of Matthew, a short but very significant … Continued