“Embracing Justice”, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2022 call us to consider:
What might a spirituality shaped by biblical portrayals of justice look like for the church of the 21st century?
ICL is joining with St James Church Voorschoten to look together this Lent period at themes about justice from this book written by Isabelle Hamley.
The 6 session course is an invitation to examine our own lives truthfully, to see the world more deeply and to pray – for the church and the world far and near – that ‘justice may roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream’ (Amos 5.24). Each week we follow a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God works with humanity to bring justice, wholeness and salvation to all.
Everyone is invited to join. There will be six sessions – every Tuesday evening from 8th March to 12th April. It is okay if you can only join some of the sessions. Options:
Online Group (Evening) | Zoom | Tuesdays 19:45-21:15 | From 8th March
This group is co-led by St James and ICL. There is no need to sign up; simply click on this Zoom link to join. The password can be found in the ICL email and in the ICL Facebook group. If you need more details or can’t find the password, contact Andy at: andy@ichurchleiden.nl
In-person Group | Schubertlaan, Leiden | Tuesdays 19:30 | From 8th March
Open from 19:30, with the study starting at 19:50. The group is being run by Matthew Payne from St.James church – those connected with ICL are welcome also. To join this group, please contact Matthew: mfpayne1@gmail.com
If you wish to buy the book (which you don’t need to participate in the course) you can do that through online or local bookshops.
The LiveLent app with daily readings is available via your app store or you can sign up to receive them by email. Go to this link for more details.
On most of the ICL Sunday services during Lent, the talks will also link with these themes. This will begin on Sunday 6th March