As a church we support a number of different people and organisations, both nationally and internationally, who are reaching out with the love of Christ. This support is usually through a combination of prayer, financial contributions, and action. This also includes one-off gifts to specific projects locally and in other countries. The projects we support are reviewed each year. You can get in touch with the head of our missions team at

In response to the war in Ukraine, we are presently supporting through prayer and some finances, Pastor Pavel Plakhotin and Father’s House Church in Dnipro.  

Our other mission projects are shown below. 

Human Rights Foundation
 Set up by Victor Fakunle (a former member of ICL). HRF heads up a justice ministry which includes legal representation for those in the prison system.
The Alikin Family
St. Petersburg, Russia
Valera is involved in the theological training of church leaders at the St. Petersburg Christian University
Mike and Anita James
Bedwas, Wales, UK

Mike & Anita serve with Hope Church with a particular focus on kids ministry.

Tim and Marketa Southerland 

 Tim & Marketa will be moving to Curaçao in February to serve in various ministries here

De Brug Katwijk

Provides aid for addicts and their families

Teen Challenge NL

 Ministry includes a center facility to help those with life controlling habits and youth projects across the country.

Most of the missions we support send out a regular newsletter. If you’re interested in receiving these updates, you can visit the relevant website or email us.