‘One greater than Jonah’…
Perhaps that sounds like a bit of a weird title if you have not been in ICL services recently.
During January. I gave a series of talks from the book of Jonah and we considered possible lessons for our own lives today. I also referred to words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 12 where in conversation with some religious leaders, he talks about Jonah. Yet Jesus also speaks of ‘one greater than Jonah is here’. Jesus is referring to himself.
At face value, this could sound quite egotistical – yet was it? What did Jesus mean?
Further, if we read in the Gospels what Jesus taught, he often referred to the ‘kingdom of God’:
“The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!”
Mark 1:15 New International Version
- What was Jesus speaking about and does it have any relevance for us now?
- How is this good news in a world where often the news is not great?
- Does this message about ‘God’s kingdom‘ offer any hope for life in 2023?
- How can Christ’s teaching about the ‘kingdom of God’ impact the way we live and treat one another?
For some of the Sundays between now and Easter, I will give some talks in connection to such questions.
- Sunday 12th February
- Sunday 26th February
- Sunday 19th March
- Sunday 2nd April
- Friday 4th April (Good Friday)
- Sunday 9th April (Easter Day)
On Sundays not mentioned above, there will be other speakers touching on different topics such as our ‘Emotionally Healthy Spirituality’ series.
Much grace,