Think back to a journey you took this week. Be it by bike, bus, car or train… how many of the people do you remember?
What did we watch on the news this time last year?
How quickly we forget….. But also perhaps we just don’t always notice…
Cycling into Leiden today, I passed two guys half drunk on a bench, another man muttering to himself (and he had no earpiece chatting to an iPhone)…. I only just caught a glimpse of them.
People largely unseen, forgotten….
May be it is people that we meet regularly, perhaps even everyday – colleagues, fellow students, friends, neighbours, family members? On the outside everything may seem fine but on the inside there is all kinds of concerns, worries, discouragement or despair. Will we seek to have eyes that see beyond the surface? Why not pray for this?
Who could you reach out to?
People largely unseen, forgotten….
On Valentines Day this year Stichting de Haven headed up The Perfume Project with the support of local churches. Theyexpressed something of the compassion of Christ to the women who work in the Red Light District of Den Haag. Reaching out to women who are so easily forgotten or just seen as sex objects or simply people to ignore.
Women who have value since they are people made in God’s image.
Yet so often they are largely unseen, forgotten….
All round the world, there are a multitude of families, so many kids facing poverty and with too little hope for the future. People largely unseen, forgotten by those living in the ‘wealth bubble’ of the “West”.
Thank God and I mean thank God, for various organizations seeking to bring them to our active remembrance that we might do something to make a difference.
Compassion International is one such organization…. helping release funds and support to help children around the world and give them fresh hope. This Sunday(23rd), the InSalvation Band will be heading up the ICL gathering, to stir afresh in our lives something of God’s heart for the poor and telling more about what Compassion Int. do.
If you are in town, why not be there?
He has shown you what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8 (New International Version)